Sewer Scope
we always recommend a sewer scope
A sewer scope inspection is an important part of buying a home.
A sewer technician actually sends a camera down the sewer line from your home to the main line, which is maintained by the city. The homeowner is usually responsible for the line from the home to the main. This may vary, depending on the city.
1/3 of the homes we inspect have defects in the lines.
This can range from a ‘belly,’ or low spot, to pipes being totally separated. Often, tree roots can enter the sewer line and cause the sewer to back up.
Sewer line repairs can be expensive.
So, there’s a two in three chance that your sewer line is fine. One in three that some repairs are needed. We recommend a sewer scope on every home we inspect. If there is a problem, you can negotiate with the seller for replacement costs before it becomes solely your problem. Many sellers are unaware of sewer line problems.
your report will include recommendations and a video of the scope
After the sewer scope, you will receive a report on your sewer line, along with any recommendations, as well as a YouTube link, in which you can actually watch the camera go down the line with narrative. (Usually more interesting when it’s your own home!)